How much should Javascript Developers earn?

Javascript Developer salaries broken down by experience, seniority, framework, and position salary listings. Taken from the Insights Library on cord.

5 min readJan 19, 2022

The average Javascript Developer salary is £56,040, based on the expected salaries of 1,890 Javascript Developers looking for UK-based work on cord in 2021. The average salary range of Mid-Senior level Javascript Developer positions in the UK is £49,633–71,395. These insights break down the details of the salary expectations of Javascript Developers by year of experience, seniority, and chosen frameworks, as well as the salaries listed on Javascript Developer jobs at different seniority levels.

Up to 10 years’ experience, Javascript Developer salaries increase at an average of £3,650 per year from £32,936 to £69,437. Above 10 years’ experience, they level out, and don’t tend to exceed £72,000 on average. This suggests that, at 11 years or more in, years’ experience is no longer the most decisive factor in a Javascript Developer’s salary expectations, and that they may need to change jobs in order to increase their earning potential above this level.

On average, UK-based Javascript Developers expect the following salaries:

  • Entry-level: £33,378
  • Junior: £36,179
  • Mid: £49,633
  • Senior: £71,395
  • Lead: £80,771

As above, Javascript Developers who become Lead level (i.e., middle managers) tend to earn more than even the most experienced Senior Javascript Developers who remain in fully hands-on roles.

Javascript Developer salaries by framework and seniority

React salaries

React is the most popular framework among Javascript Developers, with 1,868 Engineers using the framework on cord in the last 12 months. This also makes it the most popular framework on cord.

At Entry level, React Developer salaries equal those of the average Javascript Developer. There are the same number of entries for both skills, suggesting that every entry-level Javascript developer over the last 12 months listed React as a primary skill. At all other seniorities, React Developer salary expectations exceed those of the average Javascript Developer of equivalent seniority, with the gap widening at more senior levels.

Node.js salaries

1,006 Javascript Developers listed Node.js as a skill in the past 12 months, making it the second most popular Javascript framework on cord.

At all seniority levels, Node.js Developer salary expectations exceed those of the average Javascript Developer.

Angular salaries

With 512 listing Angular as a primary skill in the last 12 months, it is the third most popular Javascript framework on cord.

Salary expectations of entry-level Angular Developers trail those of entry-level Javascript developers, but across all other seniority levels Angular Developer salary expectations are slightly above the average Javascript Developer expectation.

Vue.js salaries

292 engineers listed Vue.js as a primary skill on cord in the past 12 months.

Vue.js Developer salary expectations exceed those of the average Javascript Developer at Entry and Junior levels. However, the gap narrows significantly at Mid-level, and Vue.js Developer salary expectations fall behind those of the average Javascript Developer at Senior and Lead level.

React Native salaries

181 Engineers listed React Native as a primary skill in 2021.

React Native Developer salary expectations trail those of the average Javascript Developer at Entry level, but exceed them at every other seniority level, with the gap widening at Lead level.

Salary ranges of Javascript Developer jobs

Jobs on cord are posted with a minimum salary level and a maximum salary level. The graph below shows the average values of these ranges, as well as the average mid-point. Average ranges are large for several reasons, including that definitions of seniorities vary across companies, and that jobs can be posted with multiple seniorities (but only one salary range).

Among 620 UK-based Javascript Developer jobs, the average mid point of salaries listed were as follows:

  • Entry-level: £37,333
  • Junior: £43,684
  • Mid: £54,865
  • Senior: £63,785
  • Lead: £71,033

Based on the expectations data above, Javascript Developers tend to expect salaries within the mid-point ranges at Entry, Junior and Mid level, but at Senior and Lead level they tend to expect salaries between the mid-range and upper limits of what the average job pays.

Key Insights

  • The average Javascript Developer salary is £54,040
  • Javascript Developer salaries increase at an average of £3,650 per year of experience from £32,936 to £69,437 after ten years
  • React is the most popular Javascript framework, and at most seniority levels React Developers expect higher salaries than the average Javascript Developer.
  • Entry-Mid level Javascript Developers expect to be paid around the mid-range of what companies are willing to offer. Senior and Lead Javascript Developers expect to be paid near the maximum of these ranges

Data Disclaimer

Salary expectation data refers to 1,890 UK-based Back End, Front End or Full Stack Engineers listing Javascript as a Primary Skill, looking for UK-based (On-site or Hybrid) work on cord between January — December 2021.

Jobs salary data refers to 620 UK-based Back End, Front End or Full Stack Developer jobs posted on cord between January — December 2021 listing Javascript as a required skill.

While data encompasses the whole of the UK, the majority of UK-based roles on cord are based in London, which makes the data more relevant to people considering work in London. Further information on regional salaries will be available soon.




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